11 August 2007

Pulling a Gerson

'Pulling a Gerson' or 'When Writers Attack' ?
or perhaps taking a page from Ann Coulter's 'How to Sell More Books' trilogy?

Either way a PC has broken out...(Pissing Contest) but it is still too early to tell whether it is for real or just another staged 'play-fight' between two former Bush speechwriters. Matthew Scully and Michael Gerson.
"I think they look at my writing as the fine china, to be taken out on special occasions," Scully says Gerson once told him.

"I don't remember some of those instances," Gerson said yesterday. He said he went to the coffee shop at the request of NBC, which was filming a White House special. He said he did not remember ordering speeches not to be copied to Scully and McConnell but added that the White House generally tried to restrict the number of copies available. Moreover, Gerson said, Scully did not complain to him. "He never came to me and confronted me about it," he said. "Not that I remember. I think he may have had some asides after some of the profiles, but I had no idea the depth of the concern."

Something about working in the W Administration has the strangest effect on people's ability to remember things?

Hopefully the memory loss will spillover into the general population in the future. I for one do not want to remember anything from W's tenure. (except that it ENDED)

In the meantime (pardon the pun) get the popcorn out and watch the ink spill, and maybe, just maybe, the Matt & Mike spat will make it all the way to The Soup.

The Coulter Method

pick a side and jerk it off
berate the others, scorn and scoff
get yer face on the tele
and buzz on the net
the process may be smelly
but it's a profit-making bet
say something to engender
a storm of dirty looks
you'll learn from your accountant
you sold a lot more books

stephenhsmith 11Aug2007

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